Welcome to embody + mind collective
A therapy collective that helps people heal from developmental, pre and perinatal trauma, and postpartum struggles by incorporating traditional psychotherapy and body-centered techniques.
OUr Mission
The mission of Embody + Mind Collective is to provide a safe and therapeutic space to help our clients heal from developmental trauma and prevent it from being passed down generationally. Whether we are working with people who are currently parents, looking to become parents, or have no present interest in caregiving, we are mindful of the impact that past trauma has on future individuals and generations. We specialize in perinatal mental health and are particularly intrigued by the cross-section of the perinatal population and early developmental trauma, both in healing it and preventing it. We provide confidential and specialized treatment for individuals and family systems wanting to heal from their pasts and enhance their present lives.
OUr Values
A group of professionals (individual therapists, couples therapists, family therapists, acupuncturists, yoga teachers, physical therapists, psychiatrists, doulas, midwives, OBGyns) coordinating and collaborating care together. A collaborative space to learn, heal, and grow.
Education, regulation, and restoration that encompasses mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Our holistic approach focuses on integration of them all.
Our commitment to continuing to do our own personal work while also expanding our professional knowledge to better help our clients heal.
Active participants in our field of somatic therapy with an open mind that there is always something to discover and integrate into our practice.
Providing the highest standard of care.
Tesa Emmart, LCPC, LMHC, SEP, PMH-C
Traumatic Births
New Parents
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Postpartum Transitions
Developmental & Generational Trauma
Milo Crosswhite,
MA, LPC- Candidate
Birth Preparation & New Parenthood
Holistic Art Therapy
Precipitous & Traumatic Birth Experiences
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Postpartum Identity & Intimacy
Natural Labor, VBACs, Homebirth & Extended Breastfeeding
Liz Berland, LPC, SEP, ABA Trained
Adoption Triangle
Body regulation/Coping skills
Choices versus consequences
Trauma- in its many forms
Kat Boyne, LSW
Trauma /PTSD
Life Changes/Adjustments
Perinatal / Maternal Mental Health
Podcasts, Articles & more

Healing starts with more presence
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