Here at Embody & Mind Collective we know that we don’t exist in this world alone, nor were we meant to. As social creatures, we are able to thrive when we have meaningful, robust, and safe social support systems. However, we also understand the complexities that are present within these relationships, whether that be with ourselves, our partners, our children, extended family members, friends, co-workers, or maybe even with that stranger you just met on the bus.
When healthy and regulated relationships aren’t modeled for us growing up, we can struggle with creating and maintaining those in our own lives. To complicate things even further, sometimes we aren’t even aware that the relationships that we are seeing on a daily basis, as children, aren’t healthy. It often isn’t until we begin engaging in relationships outside of our family in our own lives that we start to become more aware of our own struggles related to connection with others.
Certain transitions in our lives can bring these struggles to light, including, but not limited to, pregnancy and the journey of parenthood. A new romantic relationship, a separation from a friend or longtime partner, and even a role change at work can highlight our attachment difficulties. Additionally, our relationship with our different forms of self is often born and reborn again as we experience the multitude of transitions throughout our lives. Our clinicians at Embody + Mind Collective understand the intricacies of relationships and the ways our attachment styles impact our capacities and abilities to connect with others.
Please reach out to us if you’re in need of help on your journey. Our team of counselors are committed and ready to assist. We would love to hear from you.
We provide support to those dealing with:
Transition to Parenthood
The transition to parenthood impacts self-identify, relationships, and employment. It creates a new set of expectations, responsibilities, and role shifts. Although the addition of a new family member can result in much excitement, it also provides time of exploring the unknown, shifting schedules, sleeplessness, and oftentimes, chaos. Navigating these impactful shifts can sometimes result in feelings of anxiety, depression, resentment, guilt, and the list goes on. Moreover, we are often told to be grateful for our new addition and, while well-meaning, this might have the opposite effect on the listener and instead create a space that we feel guilty for having our normal and valid emotions and reactions to this immense change in our lives.
Things are now expected from the new parent, that may never have been expected before. We are asked to extend ourselves beyond our capacities. Our self-care decreases, our connection with others can decrease and decline, and we are responsible for all the needs of another. It is no wonder that this is a time of increased mental health struggles. We understand the overwhelm that can come from this enormous change in your lives and are here to support you through all of it. You don’t have to hold in your feelings or figure this out on your own, nor are you supposed to have this all figured out beforehand. Allow your old version of yourself to meet this new version, in the here and now, and welcome and befriend this present identity. Don’t worry, we can help.
Relationship Changes in the Perinatal Period
One of the biggest transitions our relationships go through, with others and ourselves, is during the perinatal period. It has been repeatedly found that marital dissatisfaction increases after the birth of a child, which appears to be increasingly true for mothers. The presence of external support, quality time spent with others, and effective communication seem to be the cornerstones of relational satisfaction after a new baby is born. New parents might find themselves struggling with increased responsibilities logistically, emotionally, and financially. The caretaking of the new baby requires a consistent negotiation between partners and negotiations with old versions of self and new. Considering all the stress associated with this enormous change, it is no wonder that partners often struggle with one another during this time.
Of note, there are also old conflicts or unresolved issues that were present before the baby was born. These struggles didn’t just go away after the baby was born. Quite the opposite actually. When we are stressed, sleep deprived, and have an immense new responsibility on our shoulders, our window of tolerance might be narrower. And when this happens, we might be quicker to snap or withdraw into ourselves. Our clinicians at Embody + Mind Collective understand these difficulties and are here to help you navigate through this new period in your life and relationships.
Interpersonal Conflict
As much as we are social creatures, we all have our own unique needs, wants, thoughts, emotions, reactions and perceptions about the world around us. These are often based upon our upbringing, our attachment styles, and our own set of relational skills. These skill sets may be flourishing or they may need an update or reconfiguring from time to time. To complicate relationships more, when we have had overwhelming life experiences, it can make relationships with others feel unsafe. And when we feel unsafe it is quite difficult for us to connect with others.
It is no wonder, given the personalized way in which we relate with others, that conflict may arise. We understand that sometimes we need more than communication skills (though those are very important too!) to feel heard, seen and understood in relationships. Sometimes we need to feel a sense of safety within our own experience in order to feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with someone else. Let us help you thrive within these interpersonal difficulties and foster the kinds of relationships you deserve!
OUr approach: healing through body + mind
Whether you are looking for compassionate support, integrated feelings of embodiment or more directive guidance towards living your fullest life, individual therapy may be for you. Catered to your specific needs, this may include talk therapy, Somatic Experiencing, or incorporating Somatic Touch.

Healing starts with more presence
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